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Pay Runs
This collection of articles will help you with all details around pay runs within Payroo
Termination ProcessUnused annual leave and long service on normal termination, Unused annual leave and long service on redundancy termination
Cashing out of leaveCash out annual leave, Cash out personal leave, Cash out long service leave
How to copy previous pay run values inside the pay run?Select "Copy Previous Pay run" from pay run actions.
How to create a Pay Run?Selecting the right pay schedule, period end date, payment date and adding employees to create a payrun.
How to create a pay run using previous pay values?Create pay run by copying previous pay values using "Copy All from Previous Pay Run" option.
How to edit a pay run?
How to change Pay Run dates or payment date of a pay run?Change pay period dates and payment dates after creating a pay run.
How to create an unscheduled pay run?Create an unscheduled pay run to enter any missed pay items or correct a previously posted pay run.
How do I delete an employee from a published pay run?Deleting an employee from published Pay Run, Revert to Draft, Delete employee.
How do I add a new employee to a published pay run?Adding an employee to published pay run, revert to draft to add an employee.
How do I add an employee to a pay run?Add an employee in a Pay Run
How to cancel termination from a pay run?Cancel termination of an employee from a pay run
How to terminate an employee from a Pay run?Terminate an employee from Pay run
How to edit tax components in a payrun?Update payg, medicare and student loan components.
How to add fixed earnings for employees?Earnings such as bonuses, commissions and director fees which are fixed and do not require hourly calculation.
How to adjust super contributions in a pay run?Editing payrun to adjust super guarantee, salary sacrifice and employer contribution.
How do I update employee leaves in a pay run?Paid leaves, Leave values, leaves on pay slips
How do I pay the employee leave balance?Earned leave pay, leave pay on employee termination, employee leave pay at financial year end
How to add paid or unpaid leaves in a pay run?Updates to leave hours taken, paid/unpaid leave.